Lot 133


    PKS Viva La Tropicana

  • about ratings
  • $6,500
  • 275847
  • female
  • October 24, 2008
  • 15 yrs 11 mo 29 days
  • 14 yrs 6 mo 27 days
  • Viva Las Vegas
  • Timberwind's Madonna
  • Solid Rock's Sandstone
  • September 2023
  • Walnut Ridge Llamas

Walnut Ridge Llamas logo


Tropicana is a beautiful tall dark red female that would be a great addition as a quality foundation female in your herd.  She has been a great female for us producing a female in 2019 and a male in 2021.  She is an excellent mother and milk producer.  Tropicana is out of the Peruvian lines of Viva Las Vegas, Peruvian Keno, & Peruvian Maximo on her sire side and Hank Kaufman’s herd of Tomollas Tacoma & Federico on her dam’s side.  Tropicana is very friendly and one of the best “stay clean” llamas on our farm.  Although she is one of our mature offerings in the sale, she is very healthy and will produce you beautiful crias.  The first four pictures were taken Fall 2022 which shows what great shape she is in.  Just sheared her and she is just darn BEAUTIFUL! Here is your last chance for a Sandstone cria in the sale as she is confirmed bred via ultrasound to Sandstone for a Fall 2023 cria. (Due 9/26/23)


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