Lot 102
- $3,250
- 295751
- female
- October 28, 2021
- 3 yrs 3 mo 17 days
- 1 yrs 6 mo 23 days
- Indiago Merlot
- ALL Aureano's Saucee Girl
- Four Ladies & Me Farm
4L&M Saucee's Mikey
Mikey, born on Michael’s birthday, hence her name is another striking black and white silky fibered tuxedo offspring from Indiago Merlot and ALL Aureano’s Saucee Girl (Lot 18). Difficult parting with this young lady. So far she appears to be very much on track to be like her dam i.e. medium sized, silky fiber, sweet, correct, flashy. Genetics on the dam side are quite unusual which will help in broadening the options for selecting breeding mates for her. Her sire’s genetics are Argentine Don Zunca, MGF Don Diago, MGF Hi Five, Leda, and the amazing PPR India. Very strong odds that this girl will produce black and white silky fiber cria one day. She has a sweethaert personality and a topline and tailset to die for.