Lot 103


    WRLF Phantom's Tiara

  • about ratings
  • $11,000
  • 293508
  • female
  • July 13, 2019
  • 5 yrs 7 mo 1 day
  • 3 yrs 10 mo 7 days
  • ALCL Mountain Phantom
  • MSF Tesla
  • GNLC Cococola
  • April 2023
  • Walnut Ridge Llamas

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Tiara could be considered Walnut Ridge Lamas’ headliner for Llama Pickin’.  We considered very carefully whether to offer her in the sale.  We finally made the difficult decision to add Tiara to the sale lineup because we promised to offer our best to make the event successful, and she is our BEST!  Tiara is a gorgeous black & white paint silky/suri female out of ALCL Phantom and MSF Tesla. She is perfectly balanced with a high tail set and strikingly marked with a black head with white bangs, black saddle, and a black tail all layered over beautiful white suri locks.  She was undefeated in her division during the 2021-2022 show season garnering all Grand Championships and two Best in Shows out of five total shows for the season.  Tiara never comes out of show stance either at a show or on the farm.  Her sire, ALCL Mountain Phantom, who is a five-time Best in Show, produces this style of black/white suris with beautiful white bangs. Tiara’s mother, MSF Tesla, is the daughter of the National Champion, GNLC Full Tilt and the great paint producer, LW Willie K.  Tiara’s full sister, WRLF Phantom’s Contessa is also in the sale.  We have sweetened the pot on Tiara by breeding her to our large black & white paint herdsire, GNLC Cococola, in the spring.  She will be sold as “exposed.” This is one llama that you do not want to get away.

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