Lot 130
- $9,750
- 290647
- female
- March 28, 2017
- 7 yrs 9 mo 18 days
- 6 yrs 1 mo 23 days
- 4L&M Bolivian Bentley
- Sundown's Muchas Coloures
- Pandemonium's Mingo's Spring 2023 male cria at her side and PPR Rock of Gibraltar for Spring 2024 cria
- April 2024
- Four Ladies & Me Farm
4L&M Soul Sister
A 3-n-1 that gets you genetics of three 4L&M herdsires. Bolivian Bentley, our incredible full Bolivian male is Soul Sister’s sire. Her March 2023 flashy black and white tuxedo male cria, 4L&M Sister’s Habit, by Pandemonium Mingo (Indiago Merlot son), our jet black, suri, part Argentine, big boned herdsire. We are currently breeding Soul Sister to PPR Rock of Gibraltar, our gray female producing, largest herdsire and from the esteemed Pearson Pond Ranch and Soul Sister is spitting. Wow that’s some good stuff. Soul Sister’s first cria for us is a gorgeous, tall, beautifully fibered girl that we are keeping. Soul Sister has huge quantities of milk. So much so, while keeping her weight way up, that we are letting her continue nursing her first cria going on nine months. Genetics for Soul Sister include some old tried and true lines: LW Sante Fe, LW Willie K, LW Kissam, Papa Zen, Papa Noel, The Condor.