Lot 122
- $7,750
- 290095
- female
- May 10, 2008
- 16 yrs 9 mo 4 days
- 15 yrs 10 days
- My Bolivian Kruger
- Davona's Chardonnay
- Nastaza's Raphael May 2023 female cria at side and herdsire of buyers choice for Spring 2024 cria
- April 2023
- Four Ladies & Me Farm
Autumn in Vermont
Autumn in Vermont
She is offered as a 3-n-1 package and wow what an exciting package it is. Vermont had a Nastaza’s Raphael female cria on May 7. Raphael was a three time National Champion. Since the cria was born so close to sale date we are not able to rebreed Vermont before the sale. Instead we are offering a breeding to her with any of our herdsires, (the buyer chooses). Buyer can leave Vermont with us to breed and arrange transportation after the breeding is confirmed or Buyer can take Vermont and her female cria unbred.
Vermont is unique. Genetics almost totally unrelated to other llama so she can be bred to virtually any herdsire and an Argentine style body with basket loads of suri ringlet fiber. Big bone with fiber to her toes. Such a gentle soul too. Wonderful attentive mom with tons of milk.