Lot 107


    WRLF Phantom's Contessa

  • about ratings
  • $9,000
  • 293031
  • female
  • June 15, 2018
  • 6 yrs 4 mo 7 days
  • 4 yrs 11 mo 5 days
  • ALCL Mountain Phantom
  • MSF Tesla
  • PPR Wolfgang
  • July 2023
  • Walnut Ridge Llamas

Walnut Ridge Llamas logo


Contessa is a beautiful black & white suri paint out of ALCL Mountain Phantom & MSF Tesla. She was born with beautiful white bangs which is a signature characteristic of Phantom crias. Contessa’s mother is out of the National Champion, GNLC Full Tilt and the great paint producer, LW Willie K. She has produced two crias out of PPR Wolfgang, our Pearson Pond Ranch pitch black suri herdsire. Both crias are silky/suri black & white and her latest male cria is going to have the extreme curls after Wolfgang. Contessa is a heavy milker and breeds back easily.  Contessa is confirmed bred back to PPR Wolfgang for a late June 2023 cria. We just sheared her and she definitely has a “baby bump.” We can almost guarantee it to be a black & white cria. If you want to add black & white color to your herd, Contessa is the one for you. (Due 6/27/23 – 6/29/23)

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